Cast Movements is a collective name for three moments of translation, from text simultaneously into music and moving image.
Cast Movements: Leitmotif
Single channel video in six parts,10:51 min, no sound.
Cast Movements: Leitmotif is a silent, looped film where large, wobbling, clustering soap bubbles are blown through a net-like material of knitted fishing line. The work comprises of six, short scenes observing these bubbles from six different angles.
Cast Movements: Leitmotif became a visual interpretation of six short poetic texts. With its references to language, lyricality, repetition and translation - from internal to external, text to image, breath to bubble - this work combines ideas of materiality, language and time that I liken to the swirling mixture of the dish-washing liquid, water and gelatin bubble recipe recalled from my childhood, that is used in the work.
At Mason’s Screen, Wellington, NZ.
Installed in Mesh, Galleri CC, Malmö, Sweden. Photo Raffaele Piano.
In Silver Tea Suite, Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden. Photo Tomas Sinkevicius.
Cast Movements: Bridge, mono audio, 13 min 33 sec, looped.
Music composed, played and recorded by Kjell Fredrik Eriksson, who was given the six segments of text Cast Movements and asked to read or translate the text into music.
Installed in Silver Tea Suite (2017) with a speaker from home, and knitted elastic bag.
Cast Movements: Bridge looks at the collaboration as a negotiation of trust, hidden understanding and communication between bodies. Here, the works materials are our own learned skills, experiences and ideas, as well as our knowledge and relationship with each other.