Merlin & Voodoo

Lägenheten hade en balkong och vi gillade att sitta där och dricka öl på kvällen medan vi lyssnade på skivor och pratade med varandra. Ibland, brukade våra grannars katter besöka oss på balkongen. De hette Merlin och Voodoo. Typiska namn för hippies katter, tyckte jag.
Alex och jag brukade ofta handla möbler till vår lägenhet från second-hand butiker. Jag kommer ihåg när Alex köpte en soffa med klädsel som var täckt med ett kattmönster. Jag tror att den fortfarande är i vardagsrummet.

The apartment had a balcony and we liked to sit there and drink beer in the evening while we listened to records and talked with each other. Sometimes the neighbour's cats used to visit us on the balcony. Their names were Merlin and Voodoo. Typical names for hippie cats, I thought.
Alex and I used to often buy furniture for our apartment from second hand shops. I remember when Alex bought a couch with upholstery that was covered in a cat pattern. I believe it is still in the living room.

(A brief excerpt from a short piece of writing for my Swedish class, about my old apartment in Auckland. It is extremely satisfying knowing that I can describe furniture with cats on it, and offer my opinion on interesting choices in feline names. I feel like I should be compiling a volume of these texts as 'A Brief History of Florence and her family, a collection of thoughts in Swedish. Or something to a similar effect.)